Street Fighter IV

LQ: 8.7


Brain grade: 8.2
Fun score: 9.7

Game Type: ESRB Rating: Teen Platform/Console: , , , , , , LWK Recommended Age: 13+ Thinking Skills Used: ,

In Street Fighter IV, players choose from one of many unique characters and fight their way through the game’s arcade (story) mode. Each character has a unique fighting style and particular set of moves that are easy to learn, but hard to master. Players can even go online and challenge opponents from around the globe. Street Fighter IV features instances of strong language and cartoon-like violence, but no blood. Certain female characters wear revealing outfits, some more sexualized than others. Due to these factors, Street Fighter IV is only recommended to players ages 13 and up.

This Game is Good for Kids Who Need Help With:


Managing our actions, feelings, and behaviors.

At the beginning of the fight it is tempting for the player to rush right in and start hammering on his opponent. However, before rushing in, the player must first stop and consider how the opponent might counter his moves. Some fighters have powerful anti-air moves, which will inflict a lot of damage on the player if he tries to jump in and attack. Another way for the player to best an opponent is to let them come to him and then counter with one of his moves. The bottom line is that at the beginning of the fight the player must stop his reflexive response of rushing into the fight and first consider his options.

Working Memory

Recalling and retaining information in her mind while working.

Each fighter in Street Fighter IV has an extensive list of custom moves. The complexity of these moves vary from character to character, and from move to move. As the player progresses and the game's difficulty increases, learning the special moves of at least a few characters will be imperative to the player's success. The player must be able to perform these moves on the fly and string these attacks together in order to create successive, powerful combos. The player can practice special moves and creating move combos in the game's training mode. This way he will be able to recall his moves when he takes his battle to arcade mode or against other players online.

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