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Explore Classroom Guides
Browse our extensive collection of Classroom Guides for using popular games to help students improve skills.

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Find great games and apps to help your students improve thinking skills and manage learning challenges.

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Create a learning profile for a student to receive customized recommendations for games, apps, and more.

Browse Our Learning Resources
Find out more about Executive Functions, Cognitive Thinking Skills, Learning Challenges, and more.
Explore Classroom Guides
Select a skill to find Classroom Guides for games and apps to use with your students.

Planning helps students with setting and achieving goals by understanding step-by-step processes.

Time Management
Time Management helps students to be aware of their use of time and to manage their schedules and tasks efficiently.

Organization helps students to arrange and coordinate materials and activities in order to complete a task.

Self-Control helps students to manage their feelings and behaviors, and stop themselves from acting inappropriately.

Focus helps students start a task without procrastinating and then maintain their attention and effort until it’s done.

Self-Awareness helps students understand and articulate their thoughts and feelings and the thoughts and feelings of others.

Working Memory
Working Memory focuses on the ability to remember and use relevant information while in the middle of an activity.

Flexibility helps students to adapt and adjust to changing conditions and expectations without becoming frustrated.
Finding Games and Apps
There are two ways to find Games and Apps on LearningWorks for Kids

Learning Profile
Create a learning profile for a child to receive customized recommendations for games, apps, and more.

Search the Library
Search by skill, age, platform, or learning challenge to find great games and apps for any child’s learning needs.

Browse Classroom Guides
Browse though available Classroom Guides by selecting a thinking skill.
Learning Resources
Check out all of our great resources to learn about Executive Functions, Thinking Skills, Learning Challenges and more!
The Science of Play

Thinking Skills

Executive Functions

Academic Skills

Play Diet

Let’s Play Videos

Articles for Kids

Alternative Learners