Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge

LQ: 9.45


Brain grade: 9.2
Fun score: 9.7

Game Type: ESRB Rating: Everyone 10+ Platform/Console: , , , , , LWK Recommended Age: 10+ Thinking Skills Used: ,

Nintendo Switch PS4 PC Xbox One Xbox Series X/S Steam

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge is a beat ‘em up game in the style of classic pixelated 90’s arcade games. The player can choose a character, a play style, and whether or not they want to play with other people. The player controls the characters with the analog stick moving them to the right on a two dimensional screen and uses the buttons on the controller to punch, kick, block, and execute combo attacks. Players can go through story mode which includes the ability to level up characters, earn extra health and increase stats. Arcade mode allows the player to move through the game with less health and fewer chances to revive if they are knocked out. There are also three different difficulty modes that the player can choose from, depending on how much of a challenge they would like. 

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge is rated E 10+ for Fantasy Violence.

TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Flexibility: Trying something new. 

Every playable character in the game has their own weapons and statistics, meaning that no two characters play the same way. The player can use their flexibility skills to try out several different characters to see which one suits them best. The player can also use their flexibility skills to try the different modes of the game to see which one provides an appropriate level of challenge for them. And finally, the player can practice flexibility by trying to collaborate with other players either in the same space or online. 

Working Memory: Recalling and retaining information in our minds while working. 

Working Memory is important when playing fighting games because they often require the player to remember button combinations while in the middle of action. If the player struggles with working memory, they may find that they are not able to defeat harder enemies and need to start the level over again. For players who struggle with working memory, the game offers a tutorial at the beginning of the game as well as three levels of difficulty so that the player can adjust their challenge until they are more comfortable with the controls.

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