
LQ: 9.15


Brain grade: 8.7
Fun score: 9.6

Game Type: , ESRB Rating: Everyone 10+ Platform/Console: , , , , , , LWK Recommended Age: 10+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used: ,

Nintendo Switch Playstation 4, Steam, iPhone iPad, Xbox One Xbox Series X/S

Bastion is an action adventure RPG where the player controls a character known only as “Kid.” Kid wakes up to his world destroyed by something called The Calamity. Kid is the only one left in the world other than a strange mysterious old man who seems to be narrating his every move. Kid needs to travel to different areas of the world and bring back crystals to help rebuild the Bastion back to its former glory. 

The player controls Kid and engages in real-time combat with a variety of enemies in each world. There are also extra locations on the map where the player can practice their skills with the game’s different weapons. By moving through the maps, they player can earn currency which can be spent back at the Bastion on weapon and potion upgrades to help improve battling skills. The game also has two difficulty settings for players who are new to the genre as well as those who want more of a challenge. 

Bastion is rated E 10+ for alcohol and tobacco use, fantasy violence, and animated blood. It is available on Steam, iOS, Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S. 

Bastion helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Working Memory: Recalling and retaining information in our minds while working. 

In order to move through the different levels of the game successfully, the player needs to remember what buttons perform which functions. They need to do this in real time because, otherwise, they will find themselves losing large amounts of health, falling off the edge of the map, or drinking a potion when they mean to swing their hammer. For players who need to practice this skill, you have three chances to succeed before you need to repeat the entire level over. This gives newer players a chance to practice their moves before heading right into battle. 

Planning: Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

In order to upgrade items and potions, the player needs to spend the in-game currency. When Kid goes out exploring the other parts of the world, he can break open items and find currency and bring it back to the Bastion. This is not, however, an infinite resource and the player needs to use their planning skills in order to determine what they want to prioritize upgrading and how much they will need to save for certain larger upgrades.

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