Minecraft Earth

LQ: 9.6


Brain grade: 9.4
Fun score: 9.8

Minecraft Earth
Game Type: , ESRB Rating: Everyone 10+ Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 10+ Thinking Skills Used: ,

Android  |  iTunes

Minecraft Earth is the augmented reality version of Minecraft. It came out in October of 2019 and includes all of the most iconic parts of the original game. There is building, digging, crafting, and mobs. You can even work with friends to build something or clear an adventure.

In order for the player to collect materials, they have to go out and explore the real world around them. Using their phone or tablet, the player walks around town and through parks, which are represented on their screen. When they do they will find animals, blocks of all sorts, and even chests and adventures.

Chests are essentially loot boxes that offer a wide variety of tools and items. Adventures are like dungeons or caves, with places to explore and mobs to fight. Some are more peaceful and some are more combative. They can be done alone or with a team of friends who enter the adventure at the same time as you.

There are in-game purchases available for both minecoins and rubies. The ESRB rated Minecraft Earth E10+ for infrequent/mild cartoon or fantasy violence and infrequent/mild horror/fear themes. LW4K stands by this rating.

Minecraft Earth helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

PlanningMinecraft Earth

Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

Minecraft Earth requires the player to use both their long-term and short-term planning skills. Short-term, they have to decide what they want to do for the day, which challenges they want to accomplish, and the best way to accomplish those challenges. On the long-term side of planning, however, they must plan out how to do big builds, what tools are needed for crafting various activities, and how to spend the rare gems. Without planning, the player might have some fun, but they will fail to advance through the levels, may have trouble with adventures, and might never be able to finish the build they are dreaming up.


Understanding our own actions, thoughts, and feelings.

Because of the augmented reality aspects of this game, the player must engage their self-awareness skills. First, in order to keep track of where they are in the map—and which items or adventures they are trying to get to—they have to be constantly assessing and analyzing where they are and how they feel in real life. Can they go the extra five blocks for that adventure? Are they about to step into a hole or dip in the ground? Where are they in relation to the friends with them? All of this requires self-awareness.

The player must also practice their social skills if they are going to successfully work with their friends. If they are working together on an adventure, they have to communicate which supplies and tools they are each bringing on the adventure. They also have to be aware of where their friend is both in the adventure and in the real world. If they aren’t cooperating and communicating and using their social skills, the player will be less successful in the game.

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