Human Fall Flat

LQ: 9.15


Brain grade: 8.9
Fun score: 9.4

Game Type: , ESRB Rating: Everyone Platform/Console: , , , , , , , LWK Recommended Age: 5+ Thinking Skills Used: ,

Nintendo Switch Steam Android iPhone iPad PS4 PS5 Xbox Series X/S

Human Fall Flat is a puzzle platformer where the player controls a floppy ragdoll human through various sky-bound courses. The player can customize their character by choosing different skins and outfits for them. The player then moves the character around the environments and uses the controls to pick up and interact with various objects. 

The goal of each puzzle is to get to the door located somewhere in the level. When the player gets to that door, they can step through and fall through the open air until the literally hit the next level of the game. The player may find themselves in a factory, a desert, or even a mansion with a garden. Each environment has multiple ways to explore and solve the puzzle and with multiplayer options available, players can approach puzzles together for even more solving options. 

Human Fall Flat is rated E for Everyone. 

Human Fall Flat helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Flexibility: Trying something new. 

In Human Fall Flat, the player is rewarded for wandering around the environment and exploring rather than going straight to puzzle solving. There are also multiple ways to approach and solve the puzzles, so the player can use their flexibility skills and try something new, especially if they are playing the game a second time. And if players are in multiplayer mode, they can approach the puzzles in completely new ways by approaching the puzzle solving as a team. 

Self-Control: Managing our actions, feelings and behaviors.

Occasionally solving puzzles within the game can be a bit frustrating. Sometimes even controlling your character or having them interact with objects can frustrating, This is where the player needs to use their self-control skills and try again or take a break if they are getting to the point where the game is more frustrating than fun. Self-control skills can be helpful for knowing when to leave a game and come back refreshed and ready to tackle a difficult puzzle with a new perspective.

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