Jungle Heat

LQ: 8


Brain grade: 8.2
Fun score: 7.7

Game Type: ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 6+ Thinking Skills Used: ,

Google Play, iTunes

Jungle Heat is a military strategy game where the player must build an army, defend against attacks, mine resources, and most importantly of all – destroy the arch enemy General Blood and claim sweet, sweet victory. As the leader, the player has control over the whole base – from upgrades of buildings and units, to organization of resources and weapons. Of course, he is also the mastermind behind military strategies employed in battle. The game gives the player a chance to prove himself as a great leader and one whom is indestructible – and should be feared – in battle. Jungle Heat also offers a multiplayer element, where players can battle against each other, seeking revenge or simply participating in tournaments. Gameplay is simple to learn, there is no blood, and violence is portrayed in a cartoon fashion, making this game appropriate for players six and older.




Arranging and coordinating materials in order to complete a task.

screen-05-590x300A well-thought out and logical layout of the base is essential to protecting vital resources against devastating attack. For example, cannons should be placed near the center of the base, which contains the command center - the heart of the base. The enemy will be victorious should this building be destroyed, so it should be protected by any and all means possible. Failure to give proper consideration to the organization of defenses, resource storage, buildings, and military units can create areas of weakness within the base, and ultimately take greater damage during attacks than if laid out mindfully. Of course, grouping like items, like resource harvesters, is also helpful in the quick and efficient collection of these valuables. Having them scattered all around the base makes it cumbersome to ensure everything has been collected. Finally, a proper distribution of soldiers can make the difference between success and failure during an attack. Dumping them all onto the same area can make the large group an easy target to fire, for example. Tactical, staggered placement may prove smarter, depending on the situation.


Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

Knowing the enemies that await, or the goal of the attack, helps to better plan a strategy of assault. Planning skills are needed off the battlefield, as well. Upgrades to defenses and buildings require resources, which are harvested on base and also collected in battles. These upgrades are necessary as the player wont stand a chance against any attacks by stronger, more upgraded soldiers and/or weapons. Based on the player's status/progress in the game, one upgrade may be much more important or even necessary than another. Therefore, the best way to approach upgrades is to 1) prioritize, and 2) save. Without such prioritization, it's easy to spend resources on items or upgrades that may not currently assist the player any, or perhaps just help a little. Trying to acquire all resources when needed right away for something important will take too much time and possibly leave him vulnerable in the meantime.

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