Greed Corp

LQ: 8.3


Brain grade: 8.1
Fun score: 8.5

Greed Corp - Educational Game Review image 1
Game Type: ESRB Rating: Everyone Platform/Console: , , , , , , LWK Recommended Age: 10+ Thinking Skills Used: ,

Greed Corp is a strategy game which revolves around a unique harvesting mechanic. The player moves around a tiled grid in turn-based battles, and can “harvest” the land on a tile to gain credits. Credits earn moves in battle, but harvested tiles will eventually deplete and be destroyed. Other units include Troops that attack, which are created by Armories, Cannons for ranged attacks and Transporters to send troops over long distances quickly. The goal is to defeat the oposing army and gain control of the map. This game features fantasy military violence and requires some advanced strategies to win, so due to moderate violence and level of difficulty, it is only recommended to players ages 10 and up.


This Game is Good for Kids Who Need Help With:


Arranging and coordinating materials and activities in order to complete a task.

In this strategy game, the player must organization and arrange units on the battlefield in a manner that takes advantage of the destructive nature of harvesting land. If the player fails to use the landscape to his advantage, units could be cut of from others, making it harder to collect credits and battle opponents. Harvesters can be easily attacked, so units must be arranged in a way that protects them, with armories, troops and cannons for protection spread around the map in a way that best meets the current needs on the field. By organizing a good defense and moving attacking units into open territory, the player can dominate land harvesting and make the most out of each turn. Hasty and disorganized deployment is a sure fire way to let the enemy isolate troops and take over land.


Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

The turn-based combat Greed Corp employs means that the player must constantly be thinking ahead in order to do well in battle. For example, to use a cannon, it must be purchased and placed on one turn, loaded on the next turn, and not until the third turn can the player actually fire it. Knowing this, he must look ahead to see if enemies are nearby, for he would not want to place the cannon too close to enemy tiles, as his opponents will be able to overcome his tile before the cannon is ready to be fired. Additionally, the destructive harvesting mechanic can be used to manipulate the playing field to gain a strategic advantage, either by cornering enemies or cutting off pathways. Furthermore, the land that is harvested creates credits, which must be used wisely to buy more harvesters, create troop generating armories, or build cannons and transports. Working out strategies ahead of time will help to ensure victory over enemies, while an approach that has not been thoroughly thought out can cause the player to suffer the consequences.

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