Marvel Comics

Marvel Comics is a website and app that lets users read, explore, and download comics featuring characters like Spiderman, The X-Men, and The Avengers.

Go Go Games

Go Go Games is a series of mini-games designed to help young children observe and identify features and patterns in their surrounding environment.


Pandora is a free online radio that allows users to create customized stations based on their favorite artists or genres.


Vocabology is a fun and engaging mobile app for improving vocabulary. The app offers a word of the day feature, vocabulary exploration options, and a wide range of languages to choose from.


Wunderlist is a free web based and mobile app for managing tasks and creating lists.


inClass is a comprehensive planning and organizational app geared towards middle-school, high-school, and college aged users, and helpful for children with ADHD.

Stress Tracker

Stress Tracker allows users to maintain a record of stress and anxiety levels and their triggers over time.

Private Journal

Private Journal is a free mobile app for iOS, that allows users to capture a feeling, fleeting thought, or state of mind in a journal entry.


Spotify is a free app that can be used to play, stream, and search for music, as well as organize libraries into personalized playlists. Spotify is recommended for children ages six and older.

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