Stress Tracker

LQ: 8.6


Brain grade: 9.6
Fun score: 7.5

Platform/Console: , , , LWK Recommended Age: 8+ Thinking Skills Used: ,

Stress Tracker keeps a record of a users stress levels, triggers of anxiety, and symptoms over time. Users add stress events to a “diary” which tracks levels of stress based on a scale of 1-10, and then answer a few simple questions to create an overall snapshot of their current mood. As more diary entries are collected, Stress Tracker provides “insights” that include graphs and charts which display users’ most commonly reported stressors. The app can be extremely helpful in indicating problem areas and major causes of stress and anxiety, letting users make an educated assessment of their lifestyle choices and problem areas. This application is most beneficial when used frequently over long periods of time and is appropriate for anyone ages 8 and up.

This app is good for kids who need help with:


Understanding our own actions, thoughts and feelings.

Stress Tracker is an invaluable tool for practicing Self-Awareness in relation to tension and anxiety. Users track their mood, stress level, and triggers of stress over time creating an accurate self-portrait. Gaining an understanding of where their stress comes from can greatly help users reduce tension and anxiety by targeting problem areas and making necessary adjustments. Over time the application will chart important statistics such as the most common times and triggers of stress. The app can grant important insight based on patterns in mood and behavior over long periods of time.


Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations.

An important part of alleviating the physical and mental symptoms of stress and anxiety is the ability to think in new and flexible ways. Users who find themselves "trapped" in negative cycles of thinking, or constantly worrying about school assignments or tests will find Stress Trackers tools an insights extremely valuable in assessing the most common causes of stress and worry in their lives. This app can help users to understand and make adjustments to their lifestyle, as well as mentally prepare themselves for the most commonly stressful times in their day or week.

Stress Tracker helps facilitate tracking stress levels and anxiety triggers, helping practice the Self-Awareness and Flexibility thinking skills. Try some of our suggestions or share some of your own ideas in the comment field below. 

Self-Awareness Activity

Your child should use Stress Tracker to plot common causes of stress and anxiety in his life over time. Each time a new diary entry is created, your child should be sure to answer each additional question as best as possible. The app will track entries over long periods of time, providing graphs and charts of common stressors and trends in a user's answers.

Flexibility Activity

Encourage your child to use the "Insights" feature of the application to track consistencies and trends in stress levels over time. Learning what particularly triggers stress, as well as when and how often different situations create stress or anxiety can give users the necessary tools to make lifestyle adjustments to alleviate stress and anxiety. For example, your child may notice Monday mornings are particularly stressful. If your child's notes and diary seem to indicate the stress originates from waking up late, or rushing to prepare for school, there are logical an easy adjustments to lifestyle that could help alleviate major stress on Mondays. Learning to go to bed earlier, or packing a lunch the night before can help your child feel calm and prepared for classes on Monday morning.

Stress Tracker & Anxiety and Depression

Children who suffer with anxiety and depression may have trouble identifying irrational triggers and fears. Additionally, it may be difficult for children to accurate assess their day to day mood and stress levels, or identify areas in which the stress originates. Stress Tracker can provide excellent insight over long durations of time for monitoring common symptoms, triggers, and trends in relation to your child's stress and anxiety levels.

How to Use Stress Tracker for Kids with Anxiety and Depression:

  • Use Stress Tracker to monitor levels of stress consistently. Having a routine can be helpful in using this app. Track levels of stress and anxiety in the morning and at night. In addition, add events to the "diary" during periods of peak stress, regardless of the time of day. Be sure to answer the additional questions and include any important notes about location, time, cause, or physical symptoms. Stress Tracker will only be useful if it is used regularly and consistently for the best overall picture of an individuals mood, stress and anxiety levels, triggers, and trends.
  • Use the "Insights" feature of Stress Tracker to make note of common days and times of stress, as well as any other obvious triggers or situations which commonly cause high levels of anxiety. Over time, the app will create a more accurate and telling picture of trends in an individual's day to day anxiety. Look for trends and common triggers and adjust lifestyle where necessary in order to alleviate stress. Understanding where the anxiety originates can give an individual the tools he needs to make necessary changes and adjustments without needing to avoid anxiety inducing situations entirely.
  • The app comes with a list of suggestions for immediate anxiety relief. During times of extreme stress and anxiety the tips and suggestions featured in the app are intended to try and reduce anxiety levels quickly and effectively.

Stress Tracker allows users to track levels of anxiety on a day to day basis; however, there are plenty of alternatives which contain similar features. Try out some of the other apps below, or leave a comment with your own favorite. 



Breathe2Relax is an app designed to teach users to practice relaxing breathing techniques. I features a variety of soothing music and backgrounds to help users destress. Read out Breath2Relax review for more.

anxietyfreeiCan Anxiety Free

Anxiety Free is an audio app designed to help users relax through guided meditation, and mainly consists of recordings by hypnotherapist Donald MacKinnon. Read our iCan Anxiety Free review for more.

T2 Mood Tracker

Mood Tracker lets users monitor their moods daily, as well as customize the different categories to fit their personal needs, make daily notes, and track their well-being over time using the app's built in graphing and charting features. This application can also track past and present medications for users. Learn more here.


This application offers detailed graphing and charting features to let users keep track of their mental state over time, helping users monitor mental health, understand emotional triggers and identify early warning signs of a potential decline. Discover more here. is a web service that offers mood and medication tracking. Users can analyze their mental health based on a number of different graphical data, as well as connect with other users of the site via the public forums. Find out more here.

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