Water Sort Puzzle

LQ: 8.5


Brain grade: 9
Fun score: 8

Game Type: ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 12+ Thinking Skills Used: ,

Android iPhone iPad

Water Sort Puzzle is a game where students are given several test tubes filled with water of various colors. The object of the game is to fill each tube with one single color by pouring water back and forth until all the layers are gone. The game starts off with a few colors and then increases in complexity and number of test tubes. 

Water Sort Puzzle has in-game ads which can be removed by purchasing an ad-free option. This is recommended for younger players. 

Water Sort Puzzle  helps kids practice and improve the following skills:


Planning: Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

In the game Water Sort Puzzle, the object is to get each test tube filled with a single color of water. This requires students to plan out their moves in advance. They need to look at what colors are available and what tubes have room in them before they begin to pour. As the levels increase in difficulty, if students do not use their planning skills, they may find that they have run out of moves and will need to repeat the level over again. 



Organization: Arranging and coordinating materials in order to complete a task. 

Students only have a limited number of options when it comes to pouring the liquids into the different test tubes so they need to use their organization skills to keep the colored water in the test tubes in the correct order. If students have poor organization skills they may find themselves retrying the levels several times because they did not keep track of their progress. The earlier levels are easier, helping students practice this skill before more colors and amounts are added.

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