The Night Zookeeper

LQ: 9.62


Brain grade: 9.5
Fun score: 9.75

Game Type: ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: LWK Recommended Age: 6+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used: ,


The Night Zookeeper is a Language Arts game where students are in charge of a zoo full of animals that they can create and collect. Students then write about these animals and other topics in order to earn “orbs” to purchase items for the animals in their zoo.

Weekly writing challenges give the student a chance to earn extra orbs by crafting a good piece of writing. Real-life team members will read and comment on your child’s writing, giving them actual feedback and tips for improvement. There are also grammar and word-related mini games where students can further practice their skills before diving into longer pieces of writing. 

Because this game requires students to write for extended periods of time, this game might not be developmentally appropriate for students who are just learning to write.

The Night Zookeeper  helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Planning: Becoming More Systematic. 

Because writing prompts in The Night Zookeeper have requirements checklists, students need to plan out what they want to say before they start writing. Having a plan before typing ensures that the student knows what they want to say and what requirements they need to check off for that particular piece of writing. Students who struggle with this skill may not receive as many “orbs” for their writing resulting in less currency they can spend on their animals. Students who need extra help with planning might benefit from making an outline of what they want to say before typing and submitting their work. 

Organization: Organizing One’s Own Ideas. 

Longer pieces of writing in The Night Zookeeper have a component checklist. Students need to be able to use their organizational skills to see where each of these requirements will fit best within a piece of writing. For students who struggle with this skill, having them go over their writing one final time before submitting it to identify the areas where they addressed the requirements can help strengthen this skill.

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