The Forgotten City

LQ: 9.75


Brain grade: 9.6
Fun score: 9.9

Game Type: , , , , ESRB Rating: Teen Platform/Console: , , , , , LWK Recommended Age: 13+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used:

Steam Playstation 4 Playstation 5 Xbox Series X/S Xbox One PC 

The Forgotten City is a mystery/puzzle game where the player is taken back in time to a Greco/Roman civilization and tasked with solving a mystery that is terrorizing the local residents. In this city, the citizens must obey what is called The Golden Rule. This rule states that if anyone in the city commits a sin, everyone will be punished by death. This is because a series of golden statues which are scattered throughout the city will come to life and turn everyone else into gold by shooting them with magical arrows. The player has been brought to this city through a time portal and tasked with finding the person who, on that day, is going to commit a sin that destroys the lives of everyone in the city. Any time a sin is committed, the player needs to run through the city and make it to the portal which will begin the same day all over again. Throughout the course of the game, the player needs to learn how to manipulate this renewal cycle in order to solve the mystery and make it back to their own time period. 

The game is a detective story of sorts, requiring survival, exploration, and planning skills. While combat is possible, the player is encouraged to use other methods to solve the mystery such as having conversations with the citizens, exploring the landscape, and using the time looping function to take advantage of the information they have gathered. 

The Forgotten City is rated T for Teen. LearningWorks for Kids encourages parents to take this rating, along with the knowledge of their individual children into account when making game purchasing decisions. To learn more about the ESRB rating system, please click here


The Forgotten City helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Working Memory: Recalling and retaining information in our minds while working.

There are many different leads and objectives within the game that require certain objects or tasks which need to be completed. The player needs to use their working memory skills in order to recall the layout of the city, where certain buildings/people/objects are located, and what information they have gathered so far in their investigations. For players who struggle with working memory, they may find that using tools such as the citizen registry, and the lead and quest outlines can help them remember certain pieces of information that are vital to solving the mystery. Otherwise, players can take down notes as they play which they can then refer back to if needed. 

Planning: Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

In order to solve the mystery of who will commit the sin that ends the lives of everyone, the player needs to complete several different objectives within the game. Oftentimes, these objectives need to happen within a certain order and within a certain timeframe in order to work. The player needs to have a plan for how they are going to use their time within each cycle before they jump into the portal and begin the day again. When they do begin the day anew, they need to remember what they have already accomplished and in what order they need to execute their actions in this particular loop. For players who struggle with planning, the game does provide some assistance in the form of a character who will take care of some tasks for you. This can help to keep the game fun through several loops but also let the player plan out the other tasks they need to accomplish within the game.

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