Rock Band

LQ: 8.1


Brain grade: 7.4
Fun score: 8.8

Game Type: ESRB Rating: Teen Platform/Console: , , , , , , , LWK Recommended Age: 7+ Other Requirements: Musical Instrument Peripherals Thinking Skills Used: ,


In Rock Band, players perform popular rock ‘n’ roll songs using special instrument-shaped game controllers that aim to simulate a musical performance. Players can choose to play guitar, bass, drums, or sing. Portable versions of the game do not require such peripherals, allowing players to play along simply by tapping a touch-screen or pressing buttons in-time with the music. The goal is to follow along with the on-screen musical cues, playing notes in rhythm with the song. If players miss too many notes or perform poorly, they will “fail” the performance. Parents should monitor the lyrical content of songs, as certain lyrics may be inappropriate for younger audiences. No academic skills are required to play, and there is no violent content, so players ages 7 and older should have no trouble enjoying this game.


This Game is Good for Kids Who Need Help With:


Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks. Ignoring external distractions.

Following the game's visual cues demands close attention to rhythm and timing, and mastery of the Rock Band peripherals requires practice just as any typical instrument or musical piece would. Some songs can be tricky and as a result they are often difficult to master the first time through. Players will need to remain motivated and not be discouraged by failure, especially as songs increase in difficulty. This type of game is a wonderful exercise for kids who are interested in playing instruments or sports, but lose the attraction when things get difficult, as it rewards players for being persistent.

Working Memory

Recalling and retaining information in our minds while working.

Just like any other rock star, players don't rock out to a song just once. Players can return to previously played songs in order to earn a higher score, which must be attained in order to unlock more songs and progress in the game. Here, Working Memory skills are extremely useful in achieving mastery over individual songs. The more players play a certain song, the more they can recall the note patterns and ultimately play the song with greater ease and less mistakes. Working Memory skills help players recall note patterns and rhythms, remember the sequences of melodies, and allow them to avoid pauses or mistakes that can hurt their score. Once a song is perfected, players can still have fun by attempting the same song on a harder difficulty. Working Memory skills continue to be helpful as familiarity with the note patterns help players learn the newer, complex variations of the original song.

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