Pokemon: Magikarp Jump!

LQ: 8.45


Brain grade: 7.9
Fun score: 9

Game Type: , ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 4+ Thinking Skills Used: ,

iPhone iPad Android

Pokemon: Magikarp Jump puts the student in a town where everyone loves the useless Magikarp. Because these fish are so good at jumping, competitions are held to see which fish can jump the highest. As a new arrival, you are asked to train a Magikarp and bring a championship back to the town.

Feed and train your Magikarp and then compete in eight separate leagues to bring the Magikarp Championship home! Some reading required for exposition and instruction, so younger students may need some assistance.

Magikarp Jump helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Organization: Arranging and coordinating materials in order to complete a task. 

Students will receive certain items as they move through the game that will assist their Magikarp in their competitions. Students need to be aware of what is in their inventory so that they can use these items when they are needed. If they do not know what is in their inventory, their Magikarp might not be prepared to fight in the league. 

Planning: Becoming more systematic

 The point of Magikarp Jump! is to bring a championship back to your new hometown. Students need to have a plan for how they will feed and train their Magikarp before competitions. If they do not have a training plan, their Magikarp could lose the competition and they will have to train and try again later.

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