Mutant Mudds

LQ: 9.3


Brain grade: 9.1
Fun score: 9.5

Game Type: ESRB Rating: Everyone Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 7+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used:

Mutant Mudds has players controlling Max, a young boy armed with a squirt gun he can use to take down the mud creatures roaming his neighborhood. The game features simple control mechanics, allowing players to jump, shoot, and briefly hover. However, the 2D side-scrolling levels are laid out in such a manner that players have to jump with precision and time their shots carefully to avoid falling of edges, hitting traps, or suffering too much damage from enemies. As they travel through the level, players reach points that allow them to leap between three planes of play, moving Max either closer or further away from the screen. The goal is to collect the coins, which are scattered throughout each level, in order to reach the end and unlock new levels of the game. The game features a high level of challenge, with optional 3D effects and mild cartoon violence, making it recommended to players 7 and up.


this game is good for kids who need help with:

Working Memory

Recalling and retaining information in her mind while working.

Due to the challenging nature of Mutant Mudds, players  must commonly replay a level several times before successfully reaching the exit or collecting all the golden diamonds. This is because the game frequently surprises the player with hidden enemies and hazards that are hard to avoid the first time around, as well as difficult pits and traps that must be leaped with perfect precision. In order to avoid repeatedly falling for the same trap over and over, players need to recall their subsequent efforts and remember where each trap arises, where certain enemies pop into the screen, which blocks disappear, and what jumps need to be carefully executed. Without recalling the layout of such hazards players will have a hard time guiding Max to safety.

Time Management

Being efficient and aware of our use of time and effort.

Each level in Mutant Mudds has a set amount of golden diamonds for players to collect. However, each level also has a set time limit, challenging the player to balance his efforts between collection and advancing to the exit. Since players can replay levels, it is a good tactic to devote an initial run though during each stage to collect specific pockets of golden diamonds. This way they can take the time to move carefully and avoid taking damage while gathering more hard-to-reach collectables.

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