The Kreator

LQ: 9.0


Brain grade: 9.0
Fun score: 9.0

The Kreator
Game Type: ESRB Rating: Everyone Platform/Console: , LWK Recommended Age: Any Thinking Skills Used: ,


The Kreator is an easy-going game that still allows for thinking skills practice. The player controls a ball of light, rolling and bouncing along the surface of a planet. As the ball moves, it encounters other balls of light on the ground, in the air, and, eventually, bouncing along the planet’s surface. By tapping and holding the screen, the player controls how high and how long their ball of light floats in the sky. There are also colored balls of light that have special powers.

If the player misses a ball of light, it turns into a ball of darkness. Multiple balls of darkness will merge and become even bigger. These bigger balls of darkness will chase after the player’s ball of light. If it catches up, the ball of darkness will extinguish the player’s ball of light and they will have to start over.

Whenever the player’s ball of light is rolling on the ground, plants will grow. If the ball rolls over a stretch of ground that already has plants growing, they will grow even bigger. After going long enough, the player will move onto a new planet, with different plants, and get to start bringing life to a new landscape.

This game has in-app purchases available. The ESRB rated The Kreator E for Everyone and LW4K stands by this rating.

The Kreator helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

The KreatorFocus

Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks.

The Kreator provides the opportunity for players to practice their focus skills. The main ball of light is always moving forward. If the player doesn't ignore internal and external distractions, they will miss the collectible balls of light. If they miss balls of light, they will become darkness and will chase after the player.

Time Management

Being efficient and aware of our use of time and effort.

This game also gives players the chance to practice their time management skills. The player has to estimate how long it will take them to reach a certain ball of light. They must also gauge how long they have to tap on their screen to reach the right height for floating balls of light. If they don't keep pace in this manner, they will miss balls of light and create darkness that will chase them down.

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