
LQ: 8.9


Brain grade: 9.0
Fun score: 8.8

Game Type: ESRB Rating: Everyone Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 4+ Thinking Skills Used: ,

iPhone iPad Android


Tetris is the classic puzzle game where the player places several different shapes called Tetriminos on the board in an attempt to eliminate rows and earn points. The player can alter the orientation and position of Tetriminos to place them on the game board as strategically as possible. The player can continue to place pieces until they reach the top of the board, at which point the game ends.

The new version of Tetris takes classic Tetris and ramps it up a few notches for an experience that is both familiar and new. The player can choose to play classic Tetris or try one of the several new options for playing. Tetris Together allows the player and a friend to play and chat together. There is also a Battle Royale mode where the player competes with 100 other players in a race to the top score.

Tetris is a free-to-play game but in-app purchases are available. It is currently available on Android and iOS.

Tetris Blitz helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Focus: Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks.

This game is constantly moving. While the player is deciding which piece to choose, the piece is falling down towards the rows below. This means that if the player isn’t using their focus skills, they might not get to actually choose where the piece goes. They need to initiate the task of choosing a space and orientation for the piece as soon as they pop up. Then they must ignore internal and external distractions and keep shifting their attention between the ghosts, the piece, and the timer. If they do not use all of these focus skills, they will not get a high score, which can lead to them failing challenges or not moving up on the leaderboard.

Time Management: Being efficient and aware of our use of time and effort.

Since Tetris has both a timer and moving pieces, the player will get to practice their time management skills every time they play. The falling pieces mean they have to practice keeping pace. If they don’t pay attention to how fast a piece is following and choose a piece before it reaches the bottom, then they will not be able to clear lines and earn points. They also have a deadline to meet (which is represented by the timer). They want to reach as many points as possible before time runs out. In things like the daily challenge they even have to clear a specific number of lines to win.

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