Mini-Guide: Pocket Frogs

LQ: 8.6


Brain grade: 8.3
Fun score: 9.0

Pocket Frogs
Game Type: ESRB Rating: Everyone 10+ Platform/Console: , LWK Recommended Age: 12+ Thinking Skills Used: ,


App developer NimbleBit developed Pocket Frogs as a tap-based, collection-style, “pet farming” game. Players are tasked with taming, feeding, breeding, and collecting brightly patterned frogs. The frogs pounce on each other to produce an egg. Frogs are sold for money, kept in habitats, or shipped off for specific in-game orders. There are over 4,000 color and pattern combinations in the Froggydex. It has in-app purchases but does not require data or a wifi connection to play. Pocket Frogs was given an E 10+ rating due to infrequent or mild mature/suggestive themes. LW4K suggests the game for kids 12+.

Pocket Frogs helps kids practice and improve the following skills:


Pocket FrogsDeveloping a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

Pocket Frogs is largely a collection game. If the player wants to breed and collect all the frogs in the Froggydex, the player will need a methodical, long-term plan. If they don't have one, their habitats will run out of space (quickly), their money will run out (quickly), and their Froggydex will fill up very, very slowly. A lack of planning will also make it harder for the player to fill orders, which earn them money, potions, and other rewards.


Arranging and coordinating materials in order to complete a task.

Organizing places and things is another critical cognitive thinking skill in Pocket Frogs. The player starts the game with a nursery habitat and an adult habitat. Each habitat can only hold eight frogs. When the player takes a frog to the pond to tame and feed it, they will also encounter wild frogs to breed with. This happens on a fairly regular basis. If the player breeds with every wild frog they meet, their nursery will fill up and they won't be allowed to breed any more. To be free to breed--in order to meet orders and fill the Froggydex--the player needs to keep adult frogs out of their nursery. Having organized adult habitats can also help the player when they are breeding for a specific order.

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