Mini-Guide: Egg!

LQ: 9.6


Brain grade: 9.4
Fun score: 9.8

Game Type: ESRB Rating: Everyone Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 6+ Thinking Skills Used: ,

Android  |  Amazon  |  iTunes

The goal of Egg! is for the player to care for and hatch a variety of different types of eggs. The player must feed the egg (according to its personal tastes), bathe it, help it sleep, and play games with it. After a certain amount of time has passed (based on type), the egg will hatch into a cute animal. How fast an egg hatches will depend on how well a player cares for it. There are in-app purchases available. The ESRB has rated Egg! E for Everyone and we stand by this rating. Kids 6 and older will get the most of the planning and self-awareness practice Egg! has to offer.

Egg! helps kids practice and improve the following skills:


Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

Egg! has multiple built-in limitations for the player. First, the player is only given two nests to start with. To get more, they have to buy them with in-game currency or hatch a shared egg (with another player who has the game). Second, they have a limited amount of currency (although they can earn more by playing games). Finally, the speed with which an egg hatches depends on how happy the player keeps the egg. All of this means that the player must have a long-term plan in place when they play. If they do not consider the best way to spend their money, the most effective way to earn more money, and the easiest way to keep their eggs happy, they will run out of coins or hatch unhappy eggs. This will make it harder to collect all the different eggs and animals.


Understanding our own actions, thoughts, and feelings.

To be successful at Egg!, the player must use their self-awareness thinking skills. First and foremost, the player must exhibit the ability to empathize. If they can't think about what the egg needs and wants, then the egg won't be happy. This will slow or even stop the egg's growth or, if it hatches while it is unhappy, cause the player to miss out on extra bonuses. Additionally, if the player participates in hatching an egg with a friend, they will have to practice social skills such as cooperation and communication. If they do a good job with the multiplayer egg, both players will receive a shiny, special creature when it hatches. Any eggs that are not cared for properly can run away and eventually even die, making these cognitive skills important for success in the game.

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