Mini-Guide: Dora ABCs Volume 2: Rhyming Words

LQ: 8.4


Brain grade: 8.8
Fun score: 8.0

Dora ABCs Vol 2: Rhyming Words
Game Type: ESRB Rating: Early Childhood Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 0–5 Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used:

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Dora ABCs Volume 2: Rhyming Words helps children 5 and younger learn about rhyming. Dora and and her pet monkey, Boots go on an adventure and get stopped at the Grumpy Old Trolls toll-bridge. The player must help Dora and Boots earn tokens by finding sets of rhyming words. Dora provides a picture of a word and the player finds the token that rhymes. After collecting ten tokens, the player uses a sling-shot to put the tokens in the Grumpy Old Troll’s basket. When they reach the goal, the troll will let them cross over the bridge. The game will also work with initial sounds, ending sounds, and inside sounds. The app got an E for Everyone rating and targets early childhood. LW4K stands by these ratings. The app costs money to download, but does not have any ads or in-app purchases afterwards.

Dora ABCs Vol 2: Rhyming Words helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Dora ABCs Vol 2: Rhyming WordsFocus

Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks.

Rhyming Words requires the player to use their focus thinking skills. First, they have to be able to sustain attention on short-term tasks by paying attention to what word Dora says. This is the word they need to be able to rhyme with. The player than needs to be able to focus on what each of the tokens' pictures represent. These are the words that will create the rhyme. The player has to maintain attention through all of this in order to make a match. If they don't, they won't earn their tokens.

The player also has to focus on long-term tasks. The first part of the game is ten rounds long. The player must sustain their attention through 10 rounds of finding the rhyming words if they want to move on to the slingshot phase. They must then sustain their focus on a moving basket until they have gotten ten tokens into it. If they do not, Dora and Boots will never get past the Grumpy Old Trolls bridge.

Working Memory

Recalling and retaining information in our minds while working.

While the primary goal of this game it to practice rhyming, it is also very important for the player to be able to follow directions. The player must first listen to Dora's instructions for how to select the rhyming token (by dragging it on to the center picture). They also need to be able to listen and remember what Dora says when she names the central picture (as this is the word that must be rhymed with). After they have gone ten rounds with the tokens, the player will have to be able to follow directions again in order to know what to do with the tokens. If the player doesn't listen to and follow the directions, they won't know what to do and won't be able to advance in the game.


Playing Rhyming Words helps the player develop their reading skills. Knowing things like rhyming, initial sounds, ending sounds, and inside sounds, will help reinforce the player's understanding of letter sounds in general. It will also help them begin developing the skills necessary to do things like stretching out (or sounding out) unfamiliar words when they begin reading books. Because Dora says all of the names of the tokens, it is not necessary for the player to receive help from a more advanced reader. Someone who is early in their rhyming development, however, will still benefit from assistance. This provides a great opportunity for parents to be involved with their younger child's game play.

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