Mini-Guide: Coup

LQ: 8.8


Brain grade: 9
Fun score: 8.6

screen time for 10 and 11-year-olds
Game Type: ESRB Rating: Everyone Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 8+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used:

Android | iOS

Coup is a simple card game that rewards bluffing. Players to try and outsmart one another using the two cards they have in hand. There are fifteen cards in the game, with five different role cards appearing three times each. On your turn, you may take any action, claiming that you have a specific role card in your hand that allows you to do this. Other players can attempt to call your bluff, or they can choose to allow you to take the action. Players accumulate coins which will allow them to coup other players, forcing them to discard one of their cards. The last player with any cards left in their hand wins. Coup is rated E for Everyone. LW4K recommends this game for players 8 and up.



Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks.

Coup is all about gathering as much information you can, trying to piece together which cards another player has, determining which bluffs to call, and how you should approach each turn. Paying attention to the actions other players are doing is a huge part of the game, making focus a key skill used in the game. One turn, your neighbor might claim to have the Duke and take a tax, but if too many people claim the Duke, that means someone must be lying. Drawing these conclusions will allow you to win the game, and the only way to do so is studying what every other player chooses to do.


Understanding our own actions, thoughts and feelings.

In playing this game, other players will be studying the actions you choose to take and how long you take to decide what to do each turn. So, in order to play strategically, you need to pay close attention to how you are playing, being aware of what roles you are claiming you have turn to turn so you don't contradict yourself. While it may be easy to try and assassinate someone on your turn, some players might question why you waited as long as you did to take that action, or if you had been lying about previous roles and if you really do have the Assassin. Just as you need to be focusing on the actions of others, you need to pay attention to what you're doing so as to not tip others off to your plans.


Each of these role cards provides a specific action, and some have passive abilities, meaning that players need to have some reading skills in order to play. After having read and understood what each card does, the options provided to activate these abilities are boiled down to a single term, meaning that players will need to connect the text to the term associated with it and understand what it does. There isn't too much reading, and there is some iconography that can be helpful, but this will teach players some important reading skills.

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