Mini-Guide: Calamari Kid

LQ: 8.7


Brain grade: 9.0
Fun score: 8.4

Calamari Kid
Game Type: ESRB Rating: Everyone Platform/Console: , LWK Recommended Age: Any Thinking Skills Used: ,


Calamari Kid requires players to control a squid swimming in circles through an ocean dive, avoiding obstacles along the way. The squid begins by swimming in a circle in one direction. The player must then tap and hold on the screen in order to have the squid swim in the opposite direction. By tapping for various lengths of time and at varying speeds, the player can make the squid swim around and through obstacles such as rocks, tunnels, and sea urchins. There are many different levels, with many different combinations of obstacles, and each level also has a time goal and a series of sea shells to collect.

The game Calamari Kid does have in-app purchases. The ESRB rated the game E for Everyone and LW4K stands by the rating.

Calamari Kid helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Calamari KidFocus

Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks.

Calamari Kid is a relatively fast-paced game, the player must control the direction changes with little time to process the upcoming obstacles. Because of this, they must maintain focus. This means that if they get distracted by either external stimuli or internal thoughts, they can very easily run into an obstacle or run out of time. All it takes is a simple glance away from the screen and the player will be replaying the level.


Managing our actions, feelings, and behaviors.

Another side effect of the fast-paced game-play is that the player can very easily make mistakes. Even the best player can get stuck at the same obstacle, dying dozens of times before getting the timing right. This can heighten all sorts of negative emotions and, if the player doesn't practice self-control, these frustrations will cause them to have an even harder time getting by the most difficult obstacles. The better they control themselves, the better they can complete levels and complete more goals.

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