Mini-Guide: Blendoku 2

LQ: 9.2


Brain grade: 9.0
Fun score: 9.4

Blendoku 2
Game Type: ESRB Rating: Everyone Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: Any Thinking Skills Used: ,

Android  |  iTunes

Blendoku 2 is a puzzle art game that asks the players to organize squares of color swatches into a gradient, or blend of colors. In some levels, the player simply needs to organize the blend in a straight line from darkest to lightest or vice versa. Other levels get more complicated. The player might do two different parallel blends at once. Or the blends might be an “L” with one blend going up and down and the second going left to right.

The player also has two challenges each level. The first is to do the level perfectly, on the first try, without having to move any piece more than once. The second goal is to do the level faster than the world average.

There are several modes to chose from as well. First is an IQ mode, where the player takes a “test” to see how well they can differentiate the colors and follow the directions. There is also a paint mode, daily challenges, and a multiplayer mode. These all unlock as the player gets a higher rank in the game.

Blendoku 2 has in-app purchases and ads. The ESRB rated it E for Everyone and LW4K stands by this rating.

Blendoku 2 helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

OrganizationBlendoku 2

Arranging and coordinating materials in order to complete a task.

This game’s puzzle—placing color blocks in a specific order—is all about organization. The player has to use their organizational skills to determine what order to place each block in to meet the goal of the level. If the player doesn’t do this, they won’t be able to place them in the right location and finish the level. They might end up without earning their bonuses for a perfect level or a fast level, and they won’t unlock new levels and modes.


Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

In order to finish these puzzles, the player must be able to make a plan and execute it. Do they want to start with the lightest or darkest color? If there is more than one gradient to complete, which one do they want to complete first? Making these plans, and deciding on them quickly and confidently, is the only way to earn the perfect and fast bonuses. In more complicated levels a good plan will be necessary just to complete it.

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