Adventure Escape Mysteries

LQ: 9.9


Brain grade: 10.0
Fun score: 9.8

Adventure Escape Mysteries
Game Type: , ESRB Rating: Teen Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 12+ Thinking Skills Used: ,

Amazon  |  Android  |  Haiku Games  |  iTunes

Adventure Escape Mysteries is a collection of puzzle room games set to actual storylines. The player chooses a story to play. There are multiple genres of story and difficulties of puzzles. Once the player has chosen their story, he or she starts the first chapter.

They get to play the main character of the story as the character works to solve a mystery. In Trapmaker, the mystery is a murder mystery.  Cursed Crown has a mysterious mist that needs halted. To solve these mysteries, the player must complete a large variety of puzzles to advance the story. There are, as of the time of writing this playbook, six stories to choose from, with two more coming “soon.” The creator, Haiku Games, also offers several other stories to download as individual apps.

Along the way, the player will collect hints. They can find them in the story or by completing chapters of the story. They can then be used to unlock hints for puzzles or skip an entire puzzle. Some puzzles provide one hint free.

The game also requires the player to spend keys to unlock and download a chapter of the game. Keys may be purchased for the impatient. Or the player can wait for them to regenerate. It takes three hours per key. The player can hold two keys at a time.

Adventure Escape Mysteries has ads and in-app purchases. The ESRB rated it T for Teen due to infrequent or mild cartoon or fantasy violence, as well as infrequent or mild alcohol, tobacco, or drug use or references. LW4K stands by this rating.

Adventure Escape Mysteries helps kids practice and improve the following skills:


Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks.

In this game, puzzles can hinge on the smallest of details. That means the player needs to be using all of their focus skills to make sure they aren’t missing information and clues. Ignoring internal and external distractions will help the player keep focused on any instructions or hints given in the game. Initiating tasks without procrastinating will help on several puzzles that have a time element. And, of course, maintaining focus will help solve puzzles, and since all the puzzles are varying lengths, the player gets to practice both short and long term focus.


Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

Because the majority of these puzzles have many steps, and the order of the steps—and even the puzzles as a whole—matters, the player is going to have to use their planning skills. Every puzzle is a problem that has to be solved. Problem solving is one of the many planning thinking skills. The player will get to practice this skill almost every minute he or she is playing this game. These puzzles also tend to take only a few minutes each and require the player to plan only a few moves out in advance. That means the player will primarily get to practice their short-term planning. Without using these planning skills, the player will just be guessing about what to do next and will be unable to advance as quickly and successfully through the game.

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