Idle Museum Tycoon: Empire of Art

LQ: 9.0


Brain grade: 8.8
Fun score: 9.2

Game Type: ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 5+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used: ,

Android iPhone iPad


Idle Museum Tycoon: Empire of Art and History is a management-simulation game set in a brand new museum. You play as the owner of this museum and it is your job to make sure that the museum makes money and that your guests are happy. You do this by upgrading exhibits, keeping the museum clean and safe, improving line wait times, and hiring expert tour guides. All of this requires money, so the player needs to balance the income of the museum with all of the upgrades and features it needs. There are quests that can be completed which will earn you income or gems to be spent on upgrading your facilities. Customers will leave you feedback on possible upgrades or improvements as well, directing you to improve certain areas or letting you know what you are doing well. 

In addition to quests, there is also a quiz option available where the player can answer real-world questions about art, science and history to earn money and gems for in-game upgrades. 

Idle Museum Tycoon is a free to play game but in-app purchases are available. The game is now available on Android and iOS.

Idle Museum Tycoon helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Organization: Arranging and coordinating materials in order to complete a task.

Managing a museum is tough work! There are many moving parts to keep your collections up to date and safe while also keeping your guests happy and entertained. The player needs to use their organization skills as they move throughout the museum to make sure that lines are moving smoothly, guides are knowledgeable, and that garbage isn’t building up on the floor. The player also needs to check in on quests and other upgrades to make sure that they are taking advantage of all of the new features the museum has to offer. For people who struggle with organization, this can seem a bit overwhelming. For these players, starting small and spending a small amount of time each day playing the game can help them to focus on tasks in smaller chunks rather than trying to improve the whole museum at once. 

Planning: Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

In order to successfully grow the museum, the player needs to have a plan for how they are going to use their resources wisely. There are more projects in the museum than the player has money for, so they need to figure out which decisions will lead to more guests and more overall income. For players who struggle with planning, they may find that they run out of money quickly because they focused on only one area exclusively or spread the money out in too many different directions. For these players, listening to the guest feedback and responding to those situations first would be a good step in seeing what needs the most improvement first. 

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