Hello Kitty Cafe

LQ: 8.45


Brain grade: 8.2
Fun score: 8.7

Game Type: ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 4+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used:

iPhone iPad Android 


Hello Kitty Cafe is a click game where the player is running a cafe, hiring staff, serving customers, and taking payments. When the customers enter the cafe an icon will appear above their head showing what type of food they want. The player then clicks on the character and drags them over to the table with the appropriate food. The player then has to serve them the food, take their payment, and continue this process until all the customers have left for the day. Excellent service will yield golden coins and prize wheel tokens in addition to the payment for food. 

The player can use the golden coins and the regular currency to hire new staff members, upgrade furniture and recipes, and professionally develop the staff. Prize wheel tokens can be used to spin the wheel to earn more golden coins or regular currency. 

Hello Kitty Cafe is free to play but features in-app purchases. It is available now on iOS and Android.

Hello Kitty Cafe helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Planning: Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

All of the resources in Hello Kitty Cafe are very limited at the beginning of the game. This means that the player needs to use their currency wisely and decide whether they want to focus on upgrading furniture, hire new staff, or level up the staff they currently have. Players who struggle with planning may find that they cannot advance in the game because they are spreading their money too thinly over too many different upgrades. Players who want to practice this skill should pick one area of improvement and stick with it for at least ten “days” of gameplay before moving onto the next type. 

Time Management: Working under pressure.  

The customers who come into the cafe want food and they want it now. Leaving a customer waiting for too long causes them to become annoyed. If they become too annoyed, they will actually leave the restaurant, causing you to lose money and experience points. Players who struggle with working under pressure can practice this skill in this game by trying to manage the customers as best as possible while playing and then afterwards reflect on what worked and what didn’t as far as keeping cool and getting things accomplished. 

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