Good Pizza Great Pizza

LQ: 9.88


Brain grade: 9.75
Fun score: 10.0

Game Type: ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 8+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used: ,

iPhone iPad Android

Good Pizza Great Pizza is a game where you play the owner of a brand new pizzeria. As you play through each day in business, you will fulfill various request orders for the people in your town. As you take their orders, you need to keep track of the type of pizza they want, customized ingredients, and how many slices they would like the finished pizza to be cut into. As you make more money from your business, purchases new ingredients and upgrades like tables to increase customer foot traffic. 

Because of the amount of reading required to play this game, it may not be suitable for younger students who cannot yet read.

Good Pizza Great Pizza helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Flexibility: Coping With Unpredictability. 

Just like in the real world, Good Pizza Great Pizza’s customers all want different kinds of pizza. Students need to be flexible and remember that each customer wants something completely different. They will have to remember the ingredients, slice numbers, and other special orders and change them with each customer. Students who struggle with flexibility will find the first few levels of this game easier and can work their way up to adding more flexible components later on like additional toppings. 

Working Memory:Remembering and Using What You Have Heard To Complete a Task.

Customers will approach and ask for different types of pizzas. The student will then have to go back into the kitchen and remember everything the customer asked for while completing the order as quickly as possible. The customer can change the number of slices they want, the types of toppings, how many times it bakes in the oven, etc. Students have to keep all of this information in their mind while working as fast as possible. As the days you are in business progress in the game, the orders get more complicated so students need to exercise their working memory skills to ensure they have happy customers.

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