Evo Pop

LQ: 8.65


Brain grade: 8.2
Fun score: 9.1

Game Type: ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 4+ Thinking Skills Used: ,

Android iPhone iPad


Evo Pop is a physics-based puzzle game where you control a small cube-like creature called an Evo. The player multiplies and grows their Evos in an attempt to overtake the other Evos that are located on the screen. The player can win in one of two ways: consume all other Evos on the screen or multiply your Evos until you reach 300 of them. The different levels require that the player strategizes about how they will grow their number of Evos and how they will navigate the terrain when they cannot move the Evos on their own. 

Completing certain levels gives you new abilities for your Evos and other types of Evos who have special abilities built into them. The player can then select the Evo they think will best fit the puzzle at hand. 

Evo Pop is a free-to-play game but offers in-app purchases. It is available now on Android and iOS.  

Evo Pop  helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Organization: Arranging and coordinating materials in order to complete a task.

As the player moves through levels in the game Evo Pop, they acquire different types of Evos that have different abilities. The player needs to remember what abilities each of their Evos have and coordinate which one would work best for a certain level. When a player struggles with organizing, they may choose the wrong Evo for the level and end up losing the level and needing to start over again. For these players, they should try to look at all of their Evos before starting the level and weighing the benefits of each Evo before proceeding. 


Planning: Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

There are two ways for the player to win a level in Evo Pop. They can either grow their Evos to 300 in number, or consume all of the other enemies on the board. In order to achieve either of these goals, the player needs to have a plan of attack. Through a combination of multiplying their Evos and growing them, they can achieve their goals but need to know in what order to multiply and grow. The other enemy Evos on the board are also trying to achieve the same goals, meaning the player needs to have a defense plan as well to prevent the other Evos from consuming or growing too much. For players who struggle with Planning, they may find that they cannot keep track of more than one enemy at a time or that they are losing because they are not multiplying their own Evos fast enough. These players should attempt to play the same level 2 or 3 times, trying different strategies each time to see which worked best. In this way, the player is getting practice with planning out their moves, which should help them in later levels of the game. 

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