Egg Inc.

LQ: 8.45


Brain grade: 8.1
Fun score: 8.8

Game Type: ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 4+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used: ,

iPhone iPad  Android


Egg Inc. is an idle clicker game where you are a farmer who is trying to make money by raising tons and tons of chickens and collecting their eggs. The user taps the red button at the bottom of the screen to generate chickens–the more you click, the more chickens you generate. The chickens will then begin to produce eggs which are taken away to trucks to be sold. When the player leaves the game and comes back, they are informed how much money they made while they were away. 

The money that you earn by selling your eggs can be used to purchase additional trucks, more silos, and upgrades to your chickens and their laying capabilities. You can spend research points you earn to make the hens more comfortable, increase egg output, and improve the incubations. Epic upgrades require golden eggs which are rarer but have a bigger impact on your earning potential. 

The user can also complete challenges issued by the game in order to earn more money or golden eggs that can be spent on upgrades. 

Egg Inc. is free to play but certain features require ad watching or in-app purchases. It is now available on iOS and Android.  


Egg Inc. helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Planning: Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

Players have a limited number of resources in Egg Inc. that they need to use to upgrade their farms, help their chickens lay more eggs, and increase their shipping capabilities. Players need to have a plan about what they want to spend their money and golden eggs on to maximize the benefits to their farm. Players who struggle with playing may find themselves running out of money or golden eggs quickly because they tried to grow their farm too fast. Starting slow and getting used to spending the in-game currency on one or two different areas before expanding to boosts and other upgrades can help the player practice these skills until they are more comfortable with how to plan their spending more efficiently. 

Organization: Arranging and coordinating materials in order to complete a task.

Running a chicken farm can be complicated, and the user needs to have good organizational skills in order to manage the various challenges, boosts, and upgrades that are available in the game. Players who struggle with organization may find that they take a long time to complete challenges, forget to upgrade their equipment, or run out of money for upgrades that they need. Starting slow and making sure to frequently check the upgrades and the challenge options can help the user get used to the tasks that need to be accomplished within the game.

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