
LQ: 8.5


Brain grade: 8.6
Fun score: 8.4

ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: LWK Recommended Age: 7+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used:

Build the kingdom of your dreams in the fantastical land of Dawnshire, a world filled with magical romance and nefarious villains. An evil wizard, Faugrimm, has captured parts of the kingdom with a mysterious murk called The Gloom. The player must build her castle and expand her terrirtory, rescuing the land and its inhabitants from The Gloom. She mustn’t forget about daily practical duties as well, such as harvesting crops, tending to animals, crafting goods, forging weapons, cooking food, and more. The game does not contain any offensive or inappropriate content, however it does require basic reading capability. Due to these factors, CastleVille is recommended for players 7 and older.



Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

The player has a variety of opportunities to use Planning skills to save her time, effort, and allow her to use her resources to their fullest extent. For example, she has a limited amount of energy points that replenish only with time. Every functional action (e.g., feeding an animal, chopping a tree) costs one energy point, which makes the manner in which she uses her points very important. Before randomly using energy, she will find it strategically helpful to identify the tasks of highest priority to her and expend her energy points towards them before tending to tasks of lesser importance. Another area to use Planning skills concerns coin budgeting. Kingdom expansions continually become more expensive and if she does not think ahead about saving her coins, she will inadvertently spend them on lower priority purchases.


Arranging and coordinating materials in order to complete a task.

The primary goal of the game is to build a magnificent Kingdom by expanding territory. Logically arranging her Kingdom provides another pathway to success in CastleVille. Expansion is achieved by first crafting necessary expansion items from a handful of ingredients and/or goods. To be successful, then, she must gather and manage a variety of resources using her Organization skills. Otherwise, she will be unable to make progress and move up in the levels. Organization skills are also important to general Kingdom layout. Practically speaking, grouping similar items together allows them to be located faster, used more efficiently, and can also serve as a visual aid to items needing attention, like a big field of ready-to-harvest crops. Placing the tallest or largest items along the outer perimeter, for example, prevents her from accidentally hiding things behinds them, ensuring she will see them to collect her awaiting profits and/or goods.

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