
LQ: 7.1


Brain grade: 7.2
Fun score: 6.9

Boombot - Educational Game Review image 1
Game Type: ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: LWK Recommended Age: 6+ Thinking Skills Used: ,


In Boombot, players use bombs to set off TNT, oil barrels, and explsoive gel in an effort to propel the Boombot across the screen. The goal in each level is to get the robot to the exit using a limited number of bombs. The game starts off simple, but as the levels go on, it becomes progressively harder, with many different obstacles put into the way of the exit. All explosions are cartoonish in nature and the game is very simple to control. While later puzzles may be a bit challenging for very young players, the game content is suitable for ages 5 and up.

this game is good for kids who need help with:


Managing our actions, feelings and behaviors.

This game is good for kids who have trouble managing frustration, as many levels will take numerous attempts to complete. In order to figure out how to properly time explosions and overcome obstacles, players need to be willing to make mistakes and not get discouraged. Rather than becoming aggravated and impulsively blowing up bombs, players are better served to remain calm, carefully timing when and where to blow up each bomb.


Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

Each level of Boombot holds a different challenge for players. Early levels introduce the game's basic elements, like senso-gel, which explodes if anything touches it, and oil barrels, which explode after burning for a while. Later levels combine several different elements together in various layouts. Players who randomly try to blast themselves towards the exit will likely end up sending the Boombot careening off an edge, or simply run out of bombs. However, players who take the time to understand the obstacles in front of them and to plan out the sequence of their explosions, are far more likely to reach the exit door.

Also, players can create their own levels with the built-in level editor. But, in order to make a fun and interesting challenge, players need top use their Planning skills to thoroughly plot out the placement of obstacles, items, and the exit. This includes testing the level and making any necessary adjustments to improve it.

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