LQ: 9.15
Recommended Age: 10+
Skills Used: Planning, Working Memory, Mathematics, Reading
Sky Whale is a game that was first introduced on Nickelodeon’s television show Game Shakers. What started as a seventh-grade project (in the show), is now a real-life game. The goal is for the player to bounce through the sky (by tapping) and collecting donuts with a flying narwhal. Bouncing off of clouds and other objects will launch him higher and higher. The number of donuts collected dictates the number of taps the player is allowed. When there are no donuts left, the player must hope for a lucky cloud placement in order to stay in the sky. If the narwhal hits water again, the game is over and the player must start back at the beginning.
The ESRB gave Sky Whale an E for Everyone rating. LW4K recommends the game for children 5 and up when used for thinking skills practice. There is the option to look at other games from the Game Shakers television show (after entering the answer to a multiplication problem). Sky Whale is otherwise free of ads and in-game purchases.
Sky Whale helps kids practice and improve the following skills:
Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks.
Sky Whale requires the player to be able to ignore internal and external distractions in order to stay focused on the task at hand: having the perfect timing on tapping the screen in order to eat the next donut or bounce off the next cloud or other object. If the player doesn't stay focused on the items closest to the narwhal, they will miss their intended target and use up a donut in the process. Success is entirely dependent on focus. Without it, the player is just a cute, cartoon narwhal flying through the sky aimlessly.
Managing our actions, feelings, and behaviors.
With a game like Sky Whale, where the timing of the player's taps is so important, it is easy to get impulsive, jumpy, and even angry and frustrated. Instead of making this game one that should be avoided, it means, instead, that it provides the perfect chance for practicing the cognitive skills of self-control. To be successful in this game, the player must keep their emotions under control or they will find themselves tapping on the screen at the wrong time. This, in turn, will use up their donuts faster and land the narwhal back in the ocean.
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