Pizza Boy

LQ: 7.7


Brain grade: 7.1
Fun score: 8.3

Game Type: ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: , LWK Recommended Age: 6+ Thinking Skills Used: ,


Pizza Boy follows the adventures of a young pizza delivery boy who embarks on a quest to retrieve his stolen pizza. The game plays much like Nintendo’s classic Super Mario Bros. games with the player’s character moving across a 2D side-scrolling landscape. Players can jump on the heads of their enemies or hurl soda bottles at them, and more bottles can be gained by jumping on soda vending machines. Players receive bonuses for collecting health power-ups, letters to spell the word “pizza,” or strawberries in order to gain extra lives. If the player collects 100 strawberries, they receive an extra life.  Due to the mild content and easy controls, Pizza Boy is recommended to players ages 6 and up.




Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks

Careful timing and precision are needed when navigating the 2D world of Pizza Boy. Jumping is the game's main mechanic, as it allows players to avoid pitfalls and obstacles while also enabling them to attack enemies. This simple mechanic can be deceptively challenging, though, as timing jumps correctly takes attention and concentration. Dogs, dinosaurs and birds patrol the game word, each attacking in their own manner, so players need avoid or defeat thee foes by wither jumping or throwing bottles at them. Whether trying to get the correct timing for a jump, aim for a bottle throw or maneuvering to dodge enemies, players need to remain focused as they play, keeping an eye out for hazards and power-ups as they go.

Time Management

Being efficient and aware of our use of time and effort.

Each level of Pizza Boy is timed, requiring players to beat the level within a certain time limit. However, points are awarded beyond simply completion time, as players can also collect strawberries, letters, and pizza slices as they play. Doing so takes more time and effort, so players must find a balance, making sure not too spend to much time hunting down letters and collecting items, as doing so can leave them with little time left to finish the level.

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