Furistas Cat Cafe

LQ: 8.85


Brain grade: 8.2
Fun score: 9.5

Game Type: ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 4+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used:

Android iPhone iPad

In the game Furistas Cat Cafe, the player takes on the role of a shopkeeper who has just opened their first cat cafe. The player adopts cats, pairs them with customers, purchases furniture, cleans messes, and takes food and drink orders. Customers will frequent the cafe and ask to be paired with cats who match their personality. After a certain amount of time, your cats can “level up,” meaning customers can spend more time with them. For providing an enjoyable experience for the customers, you are awarded hearts and coins which can be used to purchase items and level you up. 

Unlocking certain levels leads to the adoption of more cats, the unlocking of certain decor items, and the opening of new areas in the cafe. 

Furitsta Cat Cafe is a free-to-play game but in-app purchases are available.

Furistas Cat Cafe helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Organization: Arranging and coordinating materials in order to complete a task.

There are various tasks within the game that require the player to practice their organization skills. The player needs to know which cats will pair best with which customers, what items they have enough money to purchase for the cafe, and what items people want in their drink and food orders. Players who struggle with organization may find themselves not earning as many points or as much money and taking longer to level up. To practice their organization skills, players should go through the tutorial of the game and pay special attention to the instructions on how to match cats to people, fulfill food and drink orders, and how to earn coins. 



Planning: Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

In Furistas Cat Cafe the player has limited resources and many options regarding how best to use them. The player needs to have a plan for how they will spend their money and how they will pair their cats up with customers. Players who are not good at making plans may find themselves running out of money sooner than they thought and taking longer to build it back up before they can make additional purchases. In order to practice planning, the player should look at all of their options before deciding on what to spend their money on. They also need to look at their cats’ personalities and the personalities of their customers before assigning them to each other. This will ensure that the player has the most resources to work with and that they prioritize what purchases they are making within the game. 

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