Type Racer

LQ: 8.25


Brain grade: 9.3
Fun score: 7.2

Game Type: , ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: , LWK Recommended Age: 8+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used: ,

iPhone iPad

Type Racer is a tap typing game where you race against other players to finish a small passage of text as quickly and accurately as possible. This is accomplished by using the keyboard on your mobile phone or tablet. As you type, you can see the progress of other players and how many words per minute they are typing compared to you. At the end of the passage, you are given your ranking and how many words per minute overall you were able to type. The passages include capitalization and punctuation as well, adding to the difficulty of typing both quickly and accurately. 

Type Racer also has a graphing feature, letting you know how you have progressed over time and how many games you have played overall. As you go up in your ranking, medium and hard levels are unlocked, allowing for practice with more challenging passages. 

Type Racer is free-to-play but an ad-free option is available for purchase. This game is rated 4+ but due to the complexity of the typing passages, it is not recommended for players who are not yet comfortable with reading on their own.

Type Racer   helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Working Memory: Recalling and retaining information in our minds while working. 

Much like learning to type on a traditional keyboard, tap typing requires the learner to remember where the letters are located without looking at their phone. In Type Racer, the player is racing against other people to complete the passage accurately and quickly, so they need to be able to type without constantly looking down at their phones. For players who struggle with Working Memory, playing the easy levels of the game until they feel comfortable with the letter positioning on their phone or tablet can be a way to build confidence in their tap typing. 



Focus: Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks. 

Because there is a competitive element to Type Racer, the player needs to focus on the task at hand; completing the passage as quickly and accurately as possible so they do not finish in last place. Being distracted, even for a moment, can mean the difference between finishing the passage with a decent score and coming in last place. Players who struggle with focus should play through the easy levels a few times to gain confidence in their typing and to become accustomed to the racing element of the game.

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