Where’s My Summer?

LQ: 8.8


Brain grade: 8.2
Fun score: 9.3

Game Type: , ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: , LWK Recommended Age: 4+ Thinking Skills Used: ,


Where’s My Summer is a game in which players are tasked with guiding water into receptacles by manipulating the game environment. Players will remove portions of dirt from the game screen by tapping and dragging their finger across its surface. Water deposited in different receptacles will yield different results. Some receptacles will alter the game environment by moving mechanical objects, while others will turn steam-making lasers on or off. Players work to free “Agent P” by funneling water into a final receptacle, while also attempting to capture three gnomes in each level for an additional points bonus. Players navigate through a series of increasingly complex levels. Where’s My Summer contains no inappropriate material, is easy to learn and use, and comes in both free and paid versions, the latter offering additional levels. This game is recommended for any player ages 4 and up.




Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations.

wheres my summer 1Where's My Summer requires players to develop new strategies and approaches for each level. A strategy that may have worked on a past level might be ineffective in a new and more complex level. Players will learn new strategies on the fly, adjust their play style consistently, and utilize other flexible strategies such as trial and error. In addition, some levels may have more than one possible solution. Occasionally completing the level with the most ease may not yield the highest number of points. Players who wish to capture all three gnomes in each level must be able to complete the level but also account for the locations of the bonus gnomes in their strategies. Adapting to the particular layout and environmental factors for each new level requires players to exercise the Flexibility thinking skill.


Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

Before beginning any level, players must make an assessment of possible pitfalls and strategies to avoid making mistakes. Although Where's My Summer? allows players to repeat levels until they are satisfied with performance, avoiding unnecessary mistakes can improve speed, efficiency, and overall score. Players will develop a new plan and strategy for each level that accounts for obstacles, bonuses, and other environmental factors. Players who are able to plan ahead and develop plausible strategies will often outperform those who do not.

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