What’s the Phrase

LQ: 8.1


Brain grade: 7.7
Fun score: 8.5

Game Type: ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 12+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used: ,

iTunes / Google Play

What’s the Phrase is a revived version of the classic game “Hang Man” in which participants try to guess a word or phrase using an assortment of vowels and consonants based on categorical hints. In this app, participants face off against a friend, family member, or another random player to solve a fill-in-the-blank puzzle before their opponent. Players are given a selection of possible categories to which their word or phrase will pertain and must take turns with their opponent making guesses until the entire word or phrase is solved. The game rewards points for each turn based on a randomized spin of a points wheel. Each successful turn players are awarded the amount displayed on the wheel. Players may buy vowels and power-ups with in game coin currency which can be purchased or won. Power-ups consist of basic hints, to eliminating letters, to inserting letters for players. The first player to fully solve the puzzle and submit their answer wins the match. This app comes in both free and paid versions, the latter of which contains additional options and excludes advertisements. What’s the Phrase is easy to use, however younger participants may have difficulty with phrases or other pop culture references. In addition, parents should be aware that the game does occasionally include suggestive words or themes and their children’s activities should be supervised. What’s the Phrase is therefore recommended to any player ages 12 and up.




Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations.

whatsthephrase 3Players will utilize the Flexibility thinking skill in a number of ways while playing What's the Phrase. Each game requires players to select new possible categories, each containing a wide variety of unique words and phrases. Players must be able to quickly change strategies from assessing possible answers in one category to a new category in order to succeed. In addition, players must be able to make assessments on each word puzzle based on the letters available to them. Being able to make inferences and guesses based on a randomized assortment of letters using only hints and the number of empty spaces presented to players requires a great deal of Flexibility. Players must also make strategic assessments of where and how to allocate in game resources, such as coins, for unlocking power-ups, hints, and other beneficial items. Deciding where and how to apply these resources based on individual games, opponents, and situations requires players to utilize the Flexibility thinking skill.


Understanding our own actions, thoughts and feelings.

While playing What's the Phrase., players will be tasked with solving a number of puzzles based on categories that range from common knowledge, to pop culture, to historical. Players will quickly learn their strengths and weaknesses in each individual category, making assessments on where they can make improvements and where they are most comfortable playing against opponents. What's the Phrase can also help players realize where their feel most knowledgable and may provide some insight on individual players' personal interests, or areas in which more research and study are required. Solving each word puzzle also requires players to make objective assessments on their skill in reading and spelling as the game will not accept misspelled or partially completed answers. Because players are tasked with facing real opponents, players will also be able to judge their performance against a large sample of other players. Being able to assess one's ability or knowledge in a particular subject area versus a player's peers is a great way to exercise the Self-Awareness thinking skill.

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