WarioWare Get It Together

LQ: 9.45


Brain grade: 9.1
Fun score: 9.8

Game Type: , ESRB Rating: Everyone 10+ Platform/Console: LWK Recommended Age: 10+ Thinking Skills Used: ,

Nintendo Switch


WarioWare Get It Together is the latest game in the WarioWare series and the first featured on the Nintendo Switch. This game takes a different direction from previous games because the player now controls several characters from the WarioWare world in order to complete a series of bizarre mini games. In Story Mode, Wario and his team are sucked into the video game they have just finished making. Wario and his team need to defeat 200 mini games in order to escape from the game entirely. The mini games have very simple goals but the player has only a few seconds to complete it.

Each character in the game is controlled with the left analog stick and the A button, but what those controls do is dependent on the character. Wario, for example, can move in all directions and fire in whatever direction he is facing. Another character, Mona, is constantly moving on her scooter, requiring the player to aim her boomerang at whatever object needs to be affected. Some characters cannot even move at all, and require you to shoot objects from their stationary form  in order to interact with the game. 

In addition to Story mode for 1-2 players, the game also features a party mode for 1-4 people and an online mode where you are competing against other players around the world to be the best at the rotating weekly challenge. 

WarioWare Get It Together is available for purchase on Nintendo Switch. At the time of this writing, there is also a demo available. 

WarioWare Get It Together helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Flexibility: Coping with unpredictability. 

Because each character in the game has a completely different move set, the player needs to be flexible and be prepared to tackle the mini game they are given with a different character each time. Sometimes the player is allowed to choose their characters while other times the characters are chosen for them. The player needs to adapt and be comfortable with the move sets of each character in order to succeed in the game.

The player also does not know what mini games are going to be sent their way so they also need to be ready to move quickly and adapt to the situation based on the directions they are given at the beginning. One game may have you bouncing a soccer ball in the air without touching the ground while the very next game has you choosing the right criminal from a lineup. The weekly challenges are also constantly changing so the player needs to be willing to try something new that they may not have seen before. 

Time Management: Working under pressure.

All of the mini games in WarioWare Get It Together have an incredibly short time frame in which they can be completed. As you progress through the games, the speed picks up and games need to be completed faster than before. The player needs to be able to work under pressure because they are using characters with different abilities and going into an unknown mini game they need to complete quickly. If the player loses their focus and panics, they will most likely not be able to complete the game in the limited time frame. Players who struggle with working under pressure should try the story mode first and try to get comfortable with the controls and some of the characters before moving on to the multiplayer games where they cannot choose their own characters. This will take one layer of complexity away and allow the player to practice working under pressure. 

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