Vampire Survivors

LQ: 9.5


Brain grade: 8.7
Fun score: 9.1

Game Type: , ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: LWK Recommended Age: Any Thinking Skills Used: ,


Vampire Survivors is a roguelite game where the player controls a character who is trying to survive hordes of monsters that gradually increase in number and difficulty. They do this by moving around the screen and using their weapon which goes off at timed intervals. As the player defeats enemies, they will drop experience crystals which the player can collect to level up. Leveling up allows the player to select from a variety of upgrades that can increase their speed, their stamina, their weapon’s efficacy and whole host of other options. The goal of the game is to survive as long as possible, with levels being cleared at 30 minutes. Gold which is also collected during runs can be spent on leveling up specific stats like health and damage which will permanently stay with the player when they begin a new run. Gold can also be used to unlock new characters with different weapons, advantages, and challenges. Alternate locations are also unlocked as the player completes runs, allowing for experiences with different monsters and different environments. Difficulty settings can also be adjusted for players who want an extra challenge. 

Vampire Survivors is currently in early access and may change with future updates. It is available now on Steam. 


Vampire Survivors helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Focus: Blocking out distractions. 

The nature of Vampire Survivors is that waves of enemies are constantly approaching and, with time, will become more difficult to defeat. The player needs to use their focus skills to adapt to the changing environments and focus on their character among a lot of visual on-screen noise. The farther the player makes it into a 30 minute run, the more visual information will clutter the screen. Weapons, enemies, experience points, gold, etc will completely cover the screen, sometimes making it hard to even see your character. The player needs to be able to block all this out enough to see where their character is moving and how to best navigate the hordes of enemies that are constantly approaching. 

Planning: Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

The goal of the game is to make it to the 30 minute mark of a run. But there are also smaller goals, like unlocking new characters and increasing permanent stats. The player has to decide what they want to achieve in a run before they begin it and then use the leveling up mechanic to help them achieve that goal. Randomly choosing benefits can be helpful to the overall goal of making it to the end of a run but if your goal is to unlock a new character using gold, you may want to focus on benefits that help with this as they come along as well as moving your character around the landscape in a way that allows you to pick up every gold piece you find. 

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