Valkyria Chronicles

LQ: 9.5


Brain grade: 9.4
Fun score: 9.6

Game Type: ESRB Rating: Teen Platform/Console: LWK Recommended Age: 13+ Thinking Skills Used: ,

Valkyria Chronicles is set on the fictitious continent of Europa during the “Second Europan War.” When the neutral nation of Galia is attacked by the evil Imperials, players command Galia’s Squad 7 as they fight back against the invading force. Players will arrange their soldiers on the battlefield, choosing where to place them, how to equip them and even controlling them directly in battle. Each battle has a certain objective that must be completed to win, like capturing a specific enemy base or defeating a certain enemy. The game contains no blood, but is recommended for players ages 13 and up due to its mature war-time themes and violence.

This Game is Good for Kids Who Need Help With:


Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

In Valkyria Chronicles, players are given a variety of soldiers to command, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Some troops are fast and agile, but not very strong, while others are slow and powerful enough to take out a tank. To win, players must assess the battlefield and determine which troops are best fit for the situation. Also, the amount of movement troops can do in a single turn is determined by a movement gauge, which depletes as a soldier moves across the terrain. By limiting the movement of each character, the battle becomes more like a chess match, requiring a heightened level of strategy and need for clever tactics. Lastly, players only have a set amount of commands they an issue each turn. Once finished, the enemy gets a turn to attack, and any troops thoughtlessly left in vulnerable areas of the map will likely be taken out by the opposing force.


Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations.

Each battle in Valkyria Chronicles is turn-based, meaning players can only perform a limited amount of actions with their soldiers before it is the opposing force's turn to maneuver their troops and retaliate. While the opponent is acting, players will be able to view their actions as they unfold. During this time, players can strategize on how to counter enemy tactics and anticipate their next moves. More often than not, unexpected circumstances will arise, forcing players to change tactics. Adapting to the ever-changing battlefield is key to victory, as new strategies are often needed to overcome the enemy force. This requires not only effective management of troops, but also keen flexibility skills for the use of pliable tactics.

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