Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3

LQ: 8.9


Brain grade: 8.4
Fun score: 9.3

Game Type: ESRB Rating: Teen Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 13+ Thinking Skills Used: , ,

In this fighting game players select three combatants from a varied cast of Marvel super heroes and Capcom game characters, battling either against each other or a computer opponent. The goal of Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 is to use your three fighters to inflict enough damage on the other team until all three opponents have been defeated. After players diminish the ‘life bar’ of all three opponents, they will score a ‘knockout’ and win the round. Players will need to use special moves and super combos, as well as switch between their fighters if they are to beat the progressively more difficult opponents. Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 features no blood, but as a fighting game revolves around stylized violence, with some characters wearing revealing costumes or using strong or suggestive language, making it only recommended for players ages 13 and up.

This game is good for kids that need help with:

Working Memory

Recalling and retaining information in his mind while working. 

In Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, players will do battle after picking a team of three distinct fighters. Each character has unique 'special moves' that can only be performed by that particular character, like Ryu's Hurricane Kick, or Wolverine's Berserker Barrage. These moves are activated by pressing specific, often complicated, button combinations. If the player is to perform these moves while playing, he will have to actively remember numerous commands, pressing the correct buittons in the right sequence. 'Special moves' can be learned in Training Mode, as well as from the pause menu. If the player does not figure out how to use special moves he will be no match for tougher opponents that utilize these attacks regularly.


Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations.

Each player must create a team of three different fighters. Each character has it's own pros and cons, so it is good to be experimental and try many different characters. A good idea is to build a balanced team, with a fighter that is quick, a fighter that is strong, and lastly, a fighter that can shoot a projectile attack. Players should also try to use many different moves, as this strategy can be helpful for confusing opponents. For example: If the player only shoots fireball projectiles as Ryu, the opponent will quickly figure out when to block the attack. To combat this, the player should mix it up, using Ryu's Dragon Punches and Hurricane Kicks as well. If the player does not have a balanced team or relies too heavily on only one or two moves, he will quickly be figured out by his opponent.


Managing our actions, feelings, and behaviors.

While playing Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, it is important for the player to control his actions and emotions, remaining calm and not acting impulsively. If the player gets overwhelmed by the action, he may neglect to switch out a badly injured fighter, barring the character from regaining some energy. An impulsive player will also struggle to build up the combo meter, which unleashes more powerful moves as it increases. If the player uses it up too soon, he will not be able to unleash the powerful "Ultimate Combo" attack. The player must also control the impulse to press random buttons when frustrated, as this rarely helps against more calculating opponents.

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