Total Eggscape

LQ: 8.8


Brain grade: 8.4
Fun score: 9.2

Game Type: , ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 4+ Thinking Skills Used: ,

iPad iPhone Android


Total Eggscape is a jumping platform game where the player is a chicken who lays eggs to rise higher and higher on the screen. While the chicken is rising, there are many types of obstacles that get in the way, some stationary and some moving. The player must continue to move the chicken upwards while avoiding obstacles, purchasing shields and other helpful items, and moving from one area in the game to the next. As the chicken builds her egg tower, she can collect coins which can be used to purchase tools or different skins such as owls, ravens, and pigeons. 

The obstacles in the game are randomly generated, meaning that every time you play the game, you will be getting a new experience. 

Total Eggscape is a free-to-play game but in-app purchases are available.

Total Eggscape helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Flexibility: Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations. 

Every time the player starts up a game of Total Eggscape, the obstacles and enemies they encounter will be completely different. This means that the player cannot memorize how to make it through any of the various levels of the game; each time they play is a new experience. This is where a player’s flexibility skills need to come into play. Someone who struggles with flexibility may find it extremely difficult to start over each time with no idea what lies ahead. For these players, building the egg tower slowly and paying attention to current surroundings can help reinforce this skill and make the player more aware of what new obstacles they will encounter.  

Working Memory: Recalling and retaining information in our minds while working.

The player needs to accomplish two goals simultaneously while playing Total Eggscape; they need to grow their egg tower and also move the chicken back and forth across the screen to avoid stationary or moving obstacles. This requires the use of working memory, as the player needs to be performing two different tasks at the same time while also remembering how certain obstacles move or need to be navigated. Players who struggle with working memory need to take it slow and build their tower while paying attention to how the different obstacles react. They may lose a few times but eventually will come to remember how these obstacles can be navigated, even if they come up in a different order. 


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