
LQ: 9.35


Brain grade: 9.5
Fun score: 9.2

Game Type: ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: , LWK Recommended Age: 4+ Thinking Skills Used: ,

iPhone iPad 


Tint is a puzzle game where the player uses dots of watercolor paint to solve increasingly complex color-based puzzles. The user clicks on a dot of watercolor paint and drags it to a similarly colored goal on another part of the page. Occasionally colors will need to be combined or white paint will be used to eliminate color. The puzzles start out fairly simple but increase in complexity as the levels progress. If the user is stuck or reaches a point where they have no more options, they can reset the level or click on the lightbulb in the upper left hand corner to receive a few hints. 

The game features several “books” with chapters containing different types of puzzles. Users may be solving puzzles to release origami butterflies, cicadas, or frogs in the first book while the second book has them solving puzzles to free other objects. 

Tint is free with a subscription to Apple Arcade.

Tint helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Planning: Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

In order to release all of the origami objects in the level, the player needs to have a plan for what colors to execute when. If the player just starts moving colors randomly, they may find that they trapped themselves into an area where they have no more available moves. They will then need to restart the level over again and try a new approach. In order to develop planning skills, games like Tint are a good way to focus on this skill without time limits, points, or other scoring systems--users can simply focus on their goal and how best to approach it. 

Flexibility: Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations. 

The puzzles in Tint sometimes have multiple options for solving them or require looking at several different options at once. This requires the player to use their flexibility skills to successfully complete each level. With over 300 levels in the game, the player will need to use their flexibility quite often while playing. In order to practice this skill, players should start with the first few levels in the game and try several different approaches within those levels until they feel comfortable with these approaches to tackle more complex levels. 

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