The Vehicles Typing

LQ: 9.25


Brain grade: 9.3
Fun score: 9.2

Game Type: ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: , LWK Recommended Age: 4+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used: ,

iPhone iPad

The Vehicles Typing is a tap typing game where players control a racing vehicle by correctly typing what they see on the screen. A helpful diagram at the top of the screen shows where each finger should be placed on the keyboard. There are several levels, starting with typing single letters in different rows of the keyboard and working up to whole words and eventually whole sentences. Players can eventually unlock additional vehicles to use for racing and variations on the typing categories. For example, in the Sentence category, players can choose between Greetings, Conversations, Proverbs, Puns, Tongue Twisters, and Words of Wisdom. 

The game allows up to three players to participate, including a possible competitive element. The game suggests connecting a bluetooth keyboard but practicing with tap typing is also possible. This is especially beneficial if you are playing this game on a tablet. When tested, the mobile device keyboard worked for individual letter levels but proved to be difficult with the longer words and sentences. 

The first two levels of The Vehicles Typing are free to try but additional levels need to be unlocked by purchasing the full version of the game.

The Vehicles Typing   helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Working Memory: Recalling and retaining information in our minds while working. 

The player needs to remember the order of the keys while looking at the screen. Therefore, they need to be able to access their Working Memory to recall key positions while they are looking at what needs to be typed. Players who struggle with this should start with the easier levels like home row typing and work their way up to the words and sentences levels. 

Flexibility: Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations. 

Because there are so many levels to The Vehicles Typing, the information the player needs to type is constantly changing. Also, the speed and frequency with which the letters/words/sentences are displayed changes over time, causing the player to rely on their flexibility skills to adapt to the situation. Players who struggle with this can start with the easier levels and repeat them a few times until they feel comfortable enough with what they need to accomplish before moving on to harder levels like words and sentences.

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