The Battle For Wesnoth

LQ: 8.3


Brain grade: 8.5
Fun score: 8

Game Type: ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: , LWK Recommended Age: 10+ Thinking Skills Used: , ,

iTunes / AndroidPC

The Battle For Wesnoth is a turn-based strategy game featuring a distinctive fantasy theme. Wesnoth’s gameplay centers around building an army of upgradeable units and engaging the enemy in combat conditions that vary depending upon the terrain, time of day and troop type. This lends itself to a surprisingly deep level of strategy that changes depending upon the numerous map and troop variations. Players can choose to either play through pre-made campaigns of the game, create their own custom maps, or join the thriving multiplayer community. Battles contain virtually no violence, as troops merely bump into each other when fighting. However, due to the game’s level of challenge and the basic reading skills needed to navigate menus, Battle of Wesnoth is recommended to players ages 10 and up.

This game is good for kids who need help with:


Arranging and coordinating materials in order to complete a task.

Unit placement is a huge part of success in The Battle for Wesnoth. The map is divided into checkered tiles and units can be placed and moved to these squares. To be effective, the player will have to arrange units in specific tiles and create strategic formations that provide a tactical advantage. Units also gain experience as they survive battles and will eventually level up into much stronger fighters. Thus, well-organized players will know which units to protect and which to sacrifice in order to build an effective army.


Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

At the start of each mission, the player begins with a pre-set amount of gold, which can be used to purchase units of varying cost (weaker units are cheaper, stronger units more expensive). The player must decide which units will benefit his strategy best, and allocate gold accordingly. For example, although it might be tempting to spend a large amount on a single powerful unit, it might be wiser to recruit three or four less expensive units in order to have a more balanced army.


The Battle for Wesnoth requires the player to employ a flexible strategy during battle. The game is turn-based, meaning that each faction is given a turn to move units, create more units, attack enemies and more. After that, the opponent gets a turn. The Battle for Wesnoth is similar to a board game in this regard. It is important for the player to allow his strategy to change as the opponent takes turns and changes the shape of the battlefield. For example, the player may be planning an assault on a lightly guarded enemy base for his next turn, however, the player he plans to attack could create more units just before he was about to make his move. The player will need to reassess the situation and decide whether he still has the strength to take on the enemy stronghold during his next turn, or adapt to the newly reinforced base and change his battle plans, perhaps instead spending his next turn providing his own reinforcements to outweigh the enemy.

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