Sentry Knight Conquest

LQ: 8.2


Brain grade: 8
Fun score: 8.4

Game Type: , ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: LWK Recommended Age: 6+ Thinking Skills Used: ,


Sentry Knight Conquest is an action cartoon shooter where players must stop waves of medieval invasion from enemy troops. Players control a marksman, whose storyline unfolds as players complete quests and begin to level up. Players move using the WASD keys and click the mouse to fire their weapon. There are also 4 special attacks which correspond to the numerical keys (1-4). These attacks will prove useful when enemies are abound and players’ health gets low. As players progress through the forest themed levels, they will begin to level up. Leveling up allows players to unlock special abilities which come in handy when faced with hoards of enemy troops. Players should pick up the coins that defeated enemies drop so that they can purchase upgrades for their fighting stats. Additionally, once players find “pets” they can begin to use them against enemies. With mild cartoon violence, we recommend Sentry Knight Conquest for kids 6 and up.




Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

imagesLevels get increasingly difficult as waves of enemies become stronger, larger, and more frequent. Powerful new enemies can take more damage and fire unique weapons of their own. Certain enemies divide and duplicate themselves once hit. Players need to have a strategy before entering the battlefield. Because waves appear in the same order and with the same intensity, players should know what to expect after a few playthroughs of the same level. Using their in game currency, players are encouraged to upgrade their weapons, defense, speed, or any other perk they feel is necessary. Playing through a level and failing to stop an incursion is nothing to feel bad about. Instead, it's an opportunity to come up with a strategy once the knight it strong enough. A good plan of attack for the earlier level might be to take out enemies with guns first, while moving laterally to avoid being hit. And if a box is in a player's periphery -- shoot it. Players might receive a health boost.


Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks.

Players need to be fairly precise when taking aim and evading enemies. But what really makes Sentry Knight Conquest a great asset to the focus thinking skill are the series of available quests. Quests function like goals, keeping players invested in gameplay while simultaneously giving them direction. When players complete a quest like "slay 100 enemies" or "drink 10 potions" they will receive coins. These coins can be cashed in for upgrades to strengthen players' sentry knight. Goal-directed persistence, or ways in which an individual goes about setting and achieving goals is an important part of the focus thinking skill. By taking on quests, completing them, and earning coins, players are putting their focus skills into practice.

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