LQ: 9.15
Recommended Age: 10+
Skills Used: Planning, Working Memory, Mathematics, Reading
Scribblenauts Remix is a two-dimensional puzzle game which has players solving puzzles by “summoning” a variety of objects, people, or animals into the game environment, simply by writing out the word. Maxwell, the main character, can then use or interact with these objects to complete the level. The game, which recognizes an enormous number of textual commands, will spawn objects based on the player’s description. For example, if a level required Maxwell to get across a large gap, players could create a jet-pack which Maxwell can then use to propel himself to the other side. This game contains very mild violence and requires reading and writing skills, but is easy and fun to use for anyone ages 8+.
Teachers: check out the classroom guide!
Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations.
This game is great for kids who need help with Flexibility, as there are literally hundreds of ways to approach the game. At first the game offers simple puzzles that can be solved in many different ways, letting the player approach the game however they please. Later on though, as the game gets harder, players have fewer and fewer ways to tackle their obstacles. This means they have to be flexible and try many different words and adjectives to get passed puzzles and finish a level. A good example of this is a level in which players must stock up grocery crates with the appropriate foods, placing things like broccoli and onions in the produce section, steak and cutlets in meat section and soda and juice in the beverage sections.
Recalling and retaining information in our mind while working.
Scribblenauts Remix helps players exercise their Working Memory skills while learning to apply game mechanics and commit the uses of a wide range of objects to memory. The goals of each level vary greatly, however, players are tasked with implementing the strategies and lessons learned in previous levels to defeat new challenges. For example, players learn that different objects or people will affect the game environment in different ways. "Evil" characters who wish to attack Maxwell can be defeated by summoning an ally. Additionally, players learn that objects can be modified using adjectives to more readily suit the situations in which they are applied. In one particular level, players must defeat a crocodile to recover a lost item. Summoning a "crocodile hunter" results in the hunter becoming afraid and retreating, however, summoning a "fearless crocodile hunter" will produce the desired result. Players are introduced to the concept of modifying their summoned items with adjectives in previous levels and learn to implement this strategy as the levels become increasingly difficult.
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