Rune Factory 5

LQ: 9.35


Brain grade: 9.2
Fun score: 9.5

Game Type: , , ESRB Rating: Teen Platform/Console: LWK Recommended Age: 13+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used: ,

Nintendo Switch

Rune Factory 5 is a combination Roleplaying Game and Management Simulation. The player starts the game by choosing whether they would like to play the game as a boy or a girl. Their character has amnesia and cannot remember who they are or where they come from. After saving a young village girl from a monster, you are brought to the village of Rigbarth and given work as a SEED. SEED members patrol the village and keep its perimeter safe from monsters that have been appearing in great quantities. 

Each day the player wakes up and has several options for how they want to proceed with their day. They can take care of the farm, go adventuring, go fishing, help villagers with requests, forage for plants and other items, and make upgrades to weapons and tools. As the player performs these various activities, they level up different stats which then make these tasks easier and less strenuous for the character. 


Rune Factory 5 is rated T for Teen and is available now on the Nintendo Switch.

Rune Factory 5 helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Planning: Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

All of the daily tasks in Rune Factory 5 require some stamina, called RP (Rune Points) in the game. Once the player runs out of RP, they start taking hits to their HP or Hit Points. If their HP runs out completely, the character faints and then needs to be revived at the local hospital, which can be very expensive. The player needs to plan out their day in a way that will allow them to accomplish as much as possible while maintaining their RP and HP levels. 

Planning is also important when completing favors for the local villagers. Some favors require the player to find certain items, harvest certain crops, or slay certain monsters. The player needs to have a plan for how to accomplish these tasks in order to complete them as quickly as possible. 

And finally, planning will help the player manage their inventory as well as their in-game currency. At the beginning of the game, items are very costly and the player needs to plan for how they will use their money as wisely as possible to get items that will help them continue to earn more and more as the game progresses. 

Flexibility: Trying something new.

The player can practice their flexibility skills by trying something new within the game. In Rune Factory 5, there are many different ways the player can choose to spend their day. Between farming, fishing, foraging, fighting, and crafting, there are too many options to choose in just a single day. This is where flexibility comes into play. The player should be willing to explore the environment of the game and try things that might be a little out of their comfort zone.

For example, if the player has been only focusing on growing crops on their farm, they should give fishing a try. Or if they are bored and wondering what to do next, looking at the board outside of the SEED headquarters will show different requests that the villagers have posted. With so many different options in the game, the player has many different ways to practice their flexibility skills. 

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