Napoleon: Total War

LQ: 9.4


Brain grade: 9.1
Fun score: 9.6

Game Type: ESRB Rating: Teen Platform/Console: , LWK Recommended Age: 12+ Thinking Skills Used: , , Academic Skills Used:

iTunes / Steam

Napoleon: Total War places players in charge of the historical campaigns of the famous French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte. Players must manage nearly all facets of the empire, from road construction and trade routes, to foreign policy and the might of the French military. Success in Napoleon: Total War requires players to achieve a series of both minor and major objectives on their way to dominating the European continent. Objectives can be geopolitical—working trade agreements, fostering alliances, and making bargains with opposing factors– or military. The game contains a number of turn-based game modes in which players choose a faction and work to recruit and command armies while simultaneously expanding and improving their empire. Other game modes include online battles, battles versus the game’s AI, or participating in historic battles. Players control up to thousands of soldiers, artillery, and cavalry, working to out maneuver their opponent, routing, killing, or capturing enemy troops. Players may also take their battles to sea, commanding armadas, destroying and boarding opposing ships, and disrupting trade routes. Napoleon: Total War contains a fair amount of violence and occasionally introduces themes and concepts that are potentially inappropriate for young children. This game is therefore recommended for any player ages 12 and up.



Arranging and coordinating materials in order to complete a task.

Napoleon 1Players will exercise the Organization thinking skill in a number of ways while playing Napoleon: Total War. Tracking and utilizing a massive amount of resources requires players to find effective ways to manage money, personnel, and other assets. While building and improving their empire, players must develop a system of organization which most benefits their objectives. For example, military installments should be located in close proximity to the players' current military objectives, while essential economic assets should remain in safer and more stable regions. In combat, players are tasked with managing thousands of soldiers, artillery, and cavalry. Each unit type has varying strengths, weaknesses, and applications. Players must be able to effectively organize and deploy their troops on the battlefield while continuing to maintain their organizational strategy during the fight. Disorganized armies will be at a grave disadvantage to organized and well-commanded armies regardless of number advantages.


Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations.

Players who are able to utilize the Flexibility thinking skill will maintain a great advantage over their adversaries both in single-player campaigns and online battles. Managing resources to mitigate unforeseen scenarios requires players to be flexible on the battlefield and while managing the infrastructure of their empire. Because players cannot possibly account for all movements and actions of their enemies, strategies that include flexibility and the ability to adapt to new situations are greatly beneficial. For example, on the world map, players must manage their empire, remaining prepared to defend each of their cities, or lend reinforcements to an embattled ally. On the battlefield, players must arrange and deploy their troops in a way that allows for quick adaptation to incoming threats and ambushes. Players who structure their economies, militaries, and other assets with room to change strategies and confront unforeseen circumstances will most often outperform players who do not.


Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals. 

Napoleon 2Napoleon: Total War places players in charge of an enormous number of responsibilities. From managing construction and taxes in numerous cities, to operating powerful armies and navies. Players must be able to set goals and create feasible strategies to work toward these goals. Keeping a balanced budget while maintaining security and continuing to expand their empire requires players to plan when and how to utilize assets, which territories to invade or defend, and what negotiations to make with opposing factions. Players who are able to develop effective plans designed to achieve goals will develop strong and healthy empires, while players who are unable to plan will often find themselves unprepared or facing unhappy and rebelling citizens. Whether creating a plan for the battlefield, saving funds for greater military installations, or altering their tax policies, players must exercise the Planning thinking skill in order to be successful in Napoleon: Total War.


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